​​​​​​​Ph: 09 8287227   |   Email: office@waterview.school.nz

Waterview School Board

The role of the Board is governance, not the day-to-day running and management of the school. The Board are elected every 3 years and consists of 4 parent-elected members, 1 staff-elected member and the Principal. The Board may also co-opt members to ensure that the Board has the necessary range of skills.

The Board is accountable for student progress and achievement. It provides the strategic direction for the school through the Charter (a long term plan, an annual plan and student achievement targets). It also sets policy, provides a framework in which the Principal manages the school, complies with Ministry of Education (MOE) legal requirements, employs the staff, is responsible for the health and safety of the site, property, finances and self-review.

Waterview School Charter 2023​​​​​​​

The Principal is a member of the Board and contributes to governance but is also responsible for the day-to-day management the school, implementing policy, the charter and directed by the Education Act to manage the school as he/she sees fit.

Board meetings are public meetings. Members of the public are welcome to attend but may not speak without prior permission from the Board Presiding Member. If you would like to address the Board you must first speak to the Board Presiding Member who can be contacted through the school office.

Board minutes are on the school noticeboard in the office foyer, once they have been approved at the following meeting. The Board endeavors to upload a Board newsletter on HERO after each Board meeting with an update on Board matters.

No one individual has authority to speak on behalf of the Board, without delegation. Any matters for the Board or questions related to Board business should be directed to either the Principal or the Presiding Member.​​​​​​​

Board Newsletters

Current Waterview School Board Members 2022 - 2025

Meetings begin at 6:30am in the school office. Dates for 2024 meeting's are:

  • February 21st
  • March 20th
  • May 22nd
  • June 19th
  • July 31st
  • August 21st
  • September 18th 
  • October 23rd
  • November 20th
  • December 11th

Presiding Member:         

Lafaele Taavale - Parent Elected Member


Square Lee- Parent Elected Member

Jess Keating - Parent Elected Member

Mairka Alanen - Parent Elected Member

Tuvira Taulealea - Staff Elelcted Member

Brett Skeen - Principal

Principal Brett Skeen

Kia Ora it is my privilege to lead the dedicated, passionate and talented team at Waterview Primary. We are committed to providing all children with the opportunity to reach their full potential enabling them choice in their future where their dreams become achievable and real.

 Waterview staff are a part of every student’s family and work collaboratively to help your child’s learning. We encourage all families to be a part of “school life”.

Jess Keating

Kia ora tatou,

My family and I (including two boys at Waterview Primary) have lived in Waterview for about 7 years and we love the area and community.  In my day job as a lawyer I have acted for board directors and trustees and understand the importance of governance and how it should function.  More specifically, I have represented school Boards in a variety of employment and health and safety matters.  I am happy to be able to offer my experience to the Waterview Board to help it meet its primary objectives and be a great employer.  My focus as a Board member is to listen to and learn from the diverse perspectives that make up our school community and to help Waterview Primary continue to be a place where every student is given their best opportunity to learn and to enjoy school.

Tuvira Taulealea (Vera)

Tēnā koutou,

Ko Tuvira (Vera) tōku ingoa. I am the office manager here at Waterview School and also have the privilege of being the Staff Elected Board Member. I have whānau ties to this school with having my grandson and nephew that are current students. I look forward to supporting the staff here at Waterview School and supporting all students learning and working closely with whānau. Fa'afetai tele lava

Marika Alanen

Kia Ora Koutou

I am privileged to be one of the members of the Board at Waterview School. I am looking forward to the next two and a half years with the current
Board and enjoy working with and alongside the current Board members.  I am passionate about education and have worked in Early Childhood Education in New Zealand and overseas for over 25 years. I believe in continuum of learning and smooth transitions throughout each child’s educational journey from the early years, primary, secondary and tertiary education. I also believe in providing equal learning opportunities to
all learners including Maori and Pasifika learners and learners with additional needs.